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Spiritual Reading

The Story of a Soul

Two and a half years before her death in 1897 at the age of 24, as Thérèse Martin began writing down her childhood memories at the request of her blood sisters in the Lisieux Carmel, few could have guessed the eventual outcome. Yet this "story of my soul," first published in 1898 in a highly edited version, quickly became a modern spiritual classic, read by millions and translated into dozens of languages around the world. -ICS Publications

He Leadeth Me

"He Leadeth Me is the deeply moving personal story of one man's spiritual odyessey and the unflagging faith which enabled him to survive the horrendous ordeal that wrenched his body and spirit to near collapse. Captured by the Russian army during World War II and convicted of being a "Vatican spy," American Jesuit Father Walter J. Ciszek spent some 23 agonizinig years in Soviet prisions and the labor camps of Siberia. Here is recalls how it was only through an utter reliance of God's will that he managed to endure."-cover

Journal of a Soul

No other pope of this century has aroused so much interest and universal affection throughout the world as has Pope John XXIII. Journal of a Soul is an inspiring reading experience that records this pope's thoughts and traces his spiritual development from adolescence to the seminary to a career as a priest, a European papal diplomat, Patriarch of Venice, and finally Pope John XXIII

The Long Loneliness ; the autobiography of Dorothy Day

The Long Loneliness is the autobiography of Dorothy Day, published in 1952 by Harper & Brothers. In the book, Day chronicles her involvement in socialist groups along with her eventual conversion to Catholicism in 1927, and the beginning of her newspaper the Catholic Worker in 1933

The Seven Storey Mountain

his unique spiritual autobiography is the account of the growing restlessness of a brilliant and passionate young man whose search for peace and faith eventually leads him, at the age of twenty-six, to take vows in one of the most demanding religious orders - the Trappists. At the monastery, and within the "four walls of my new freedom," Merton wrote this extraordinary testament - a document of a man who withdrew from the world only after he had fully immersed himself in it. -- Provided by publisher.

Apologia pro vita sua : being a history of his religious opinions

Apologia Pro Vita Sua, Newman's spiritual autobiography, explores the depths and nature of Christianity with flowing prose and a conversational style that has ensured its status as a classic.
"False ideas may be refuted by argument, but by true ideas alone are they expelled. I will vanquish," Newman promised, "not my accuser, but my judges." His honest and passionate defense consists of a personal history of his religious convictions, from earliest memory through the Oxford movement and his ultimate conversion.

St. Francis of Assisi

Francis of Assisi is, after Mary of Nazareth, perhaps the greatest saint in the Christian calendar, and one of the most influential men in the whole of human history. By universal acclaim, this biography by G. K. Chesterton is considered the best appreciation of Francis's life--the one that gets to the heart of the matter.

The life of St. Anthony the Great

First published in the 4th century A.D., Anthony the Great's biography was authored by Christian Saint Athanasius of Alexandria. Since its original release, the book has helped spread the beliefs, practices and arduous faith of Anthony the Great to a wider audience.

A significant progenitor of the monastic tradition, Saint Anthony lived an ascetic lifestyle in the deserts of Egypt. Although not the earliest of religious figures committed to this tradition, through his actions and preaching Anthony helped popularise and spread principles that would contribute heavily to the establishment of Christian monastic orders in Europe and beyond.

The Life of Teresa of Jesus

The Life of Saint Teresa of Avila by Herself" is the autobiographical account of Saint Teresa Sánchez de Cepeda y Ahumada, a prominent 16th century Spanish mystic, Carmelite nun, and writer of the Counter Reformation. Like many of her writings her autobiography has a didactic tone as it intends to instruct the reader on how to live a more devout Christian life in the manner put forth by the Catholic Church. A classic work of Christian mysticism "The Life of Saint Teresa of Avila by Herself" is a must read for anyone seeking a more contemplative life and a closer and more spiritual connection with God through prayer and religious devotion.

The Shepherd Who Didn't Run: Father Stanley Rother, martyr from Oklahoma

Fr. Stanley arrived in Guatemala in 1968, and immediately identified with his parishioners' simple, farming lifestyle. He learned their languages, prepared them for the Sacraments, and cared for their needs. Fr. Stanley, or "Padre Francisco" as he was called by his beloved Tz'utujil Indians, had found his heart's calling.

Gift and Mystery

"In Gift and Mystery we read 'For every priest, in every age, the greatest task is each day to discover his own priestly "today" in the "today" of Christ.' John Paul II understands that the event of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ in world history continues daily in a special way in the priestly brotherhood of those who have been chosen to follow in his footsteps--and indeed in every man and woman, all called through the gift of faith to a life of holiness. In concluding Gift and Mystery, the pope writes to his brother priests, 'Learn to see in your priesthood the Gospel treasure for which it is worth giving up everything.' Surely in the life of this pope we see an extraordinary example of someone who has treasured the gift of his priestly ministry for more than fifty years."
- From the foreword of Carl A. Anderson, Supreme Knight, Knights of Columbus